Tuesday, September 29, 2015

What do you mean my query is broken? Search isn't working? The Fulltext Phantom.

I have a love/hate relationship with 'problems'. I really like troubleshooting, because I learn so much. Sometimes though it can be really frustrating. Luckily (and I'm sure it was mostly luck that something tickled the back of my memory on this one) I was able to quickly resolve this issue.


I can search and find articles with up to 2 words but anything 3 words and beyond fails to return QA results. 

What? OK, first thing is to ask lots of questions, but yes, the data they wanted was there in all environments, and the query should have returned results, and it WAS returning results, but only in Test, not QA.

Here is the query (First the base one, then a modified one, neither worked in QA):

  FROM [MyDB].[this].[table]

  where value like 'diana arriving at the studio%'

******second query*******


DECLARE       @return_value int,
              @RowCount int

EXEC   @return_value = [this].[table]
              @Start = 0,
              @End = 100,
              @RowCount = @RowCount OUTPUT

SELECT @RowCount as N'@RowCount'

SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value


So one of my first questions is: what's different. So I look through some of the basic configurations and data, and yep all of the data, views, access etc are there. Then I stopped to think. They're doing a search. What's one of the best ways to make searches like this faster? Using Fulltext! So I went to look at the settings for Fulltext on all of the servers (prod, QA, test, etc) and found a difference. Looks like they had Transform Noise Words OFF on the offending servers. So a quick turn on:

sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
sp_configure 'transform noise words', 1;


And the query is returning results as it should. Kind of a sneaky setting, and if you haven't had exposure to Fulltext you might not think of it. So here's your reminder!

Changing the service account for SSIS/SSAS, service won't start, error 1069

I've decided I'm going to post answers to issues that make me go ARGH instead of just sticking them into my Evernote; especially because it's frustrating when I Google the issue and can't find an answer then have to stumble around til I can get it fixed. The one today made me walk around with a red mark on my forehead from slapping myself when I finally got it figured out. Here's the story:

Where I work we had one domain acct for SQL. This was used to run all of the services, and also was a Domain Admin. I know, real secure. So we were migrating everything to a new, non-Domain Admin account, but still it's one account to run everything.

I'm sure you're rolling your eyes by now but hey, one step at a time!

Anyways, we had to change the accounts. So I wrote up a how-to: changing it in Configuration Manager, don't ever start services from there only in Failover Cluster Manager, don't forget to check the runas account in jobs,check credentials and linked servers etc.

So everything is going smoothly...until we get to SSAS. It wouldn't start after we changed the service account! This is the error:

analysis service could not be brought online with error 1069

So I tried it with my domain account. Still a no go, and giving me a bad credentials error.

I'm thoroughly confused because I'm not seeing any more information on what's going on, just the dang thing won't start. And, as we update more servers, I'm getting pings that SSIS is having the same issue.

Looking in error log, just says bad credentials, Looking in Cluster logs, no info there either.

And then the slap!

What do these things have in common? They're SERVICES! What do services need? LOG ON AS A SERVICE right! Yep, even though they're local administrators on the machine, that account also needs to be explicitly granted the Log on as a Service right, in Local Security Policy > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment.

I deserve my red forehead, but it's fixed :)

Remove-SqlAvailabilityDatabase -Path

Been playing a lot with PoSH lately, am now writing a script to automate the restore of a database that's in an availability group. One of the issues I kept running into was getting the correct path for the Remove-SqlAvailabilityDatabase cmdlet. The scripts I'd see online would only have a 'standard' path, like this:

Remove-SqlAvailabilityDatabase `
-Path SQLSERVER:\Sql\SecondaryComputer\InstanceName\AvailabilityGroups\MyAg\Databases\MyDb

Unfortunately that wasn't the path to my DB (and yes, before you say 'did you change the parameters'...yes....yes I did).

So anyways, to make a long story shorter, to find the path to your AG database, open up SSMS, expand AlwaysOn High Availability > Availability Groups > <your group>  and right-click on your database, choosing  Start Powershell. The prompt in the window that opens is the path to your database! So copy that and try the PoSH command Remove-SqlAvailabilityDatabase again and it'll work.

I'll probably post my automated restore solution when I'm done but wanted to get this off my chest.